Abiding Grace Publications
ABIDING Grace Publications
In the last One year, two new books were published by
the ministry. The books are STRICTLY FOR THẺ
The first book which came as an inspiration from God to deal
with issues that are commonly faced by the ministers’ wives
as they strive to support their husbands in ministry was
presented to the public on the 29th of April 2021. MATTERS
ARISING IN MINISTRY is a compendium that may serve as
reference material for ministers of God on matters that
determine success or failure in ministry. The two books
were authored by the set man of the ministry, Revd. Dr.
Mike Oluniyi.
God continued to touch lives with the Abiding Grace
Tracts. The ministry has continued to make the titles
available for personal and group evangelism free of charge.
Various churches and ministries have been actively
requesting for tracts as Abiding Grace has become well
known for the provision of tracts for evangelism.
To the glory of God, Abiding Grace Chapel continues to
be an effective base for the ministry. Members of the church
continue to contribute to the improvement of church
facilities. During the women anniversary in November 2020,
the women group rugged the altar. some members also
decided to give the altar a face lift as such added a 3D back
drop to beautify the altar. Also during the twelfth anniversary
of the church .in June 2021, a family donated a bigger
generator to further enhance worship in the church.
Along with the 12th anniversary of the church, an ordination
service was held, during which seven individuals were
ordained as deacons and deaconesses in the church.