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What Is In Your Hands? (Episode 3)

Dr. Mike Oluniyi.

The assignment which God gives individuals are so important to Him.
As much as there are diverse assignments He gives, there are also diverse ways and circumstances in which He assigns. Looking through the scriptures, we discover that God assigns people through different circumstances. There is no particular or exclusive way, and no particular style. After all, He is the Almighty! The most popular scripture about receiving vision or divine assignment is found in the book of Habakkuk 2:1-3;

‘I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower,
and will watch to see what he will say unto me,
and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
And the LORD answered me, and said,
Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables,
that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time,
but at the end it shall speak, and not lie:
though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry.’

The scripture talks about watching or waiting on God until He speaks. Watching does not mean that you stay in one place waiting for Him to give the instructions, though it may sometimes entail doing so. It may generally entail being observant in the course of your life to know when there is need for you to pay attention divine dealings.
After God has spoken, there is the need to write down the vision because of the short attention span of human memory. Writing it down may be in terms of publicity, not keeping it to yourself but making others to know. It is also very important for you to write down what you have been given because no one can do ministry alone. If you don’t write it down, there will be no record that those who are to run with your vision may follow without ambiguity. You should be able to say without clearly what God has assigned you to do. Another reason why you have to write it down is because the vision is for an appointed time.
After God might have given you a vision, there is still a waiting period. Every vision is for an appointed time, you must not be so impatient that you miss the lessons that God wants you to learn during your period of waiting. If you miss it during the period of waiting, it may either elongate your period of waiting or it may it may make you not to be able to fully manifest due to the missed lessons. If you do not document your vision, you may lose the details during your waiting period.

Following are the circumstances surrounding how some of the major characters in the Bible received their own vision or life assignments. You may need to observe that the circumstances are diverse.

The Moses encounter.
Moses was in the wilderness, tending the flock of his father in law when he experienced the visitation of God which defined his momentous path in life and ministry.
Exodus 3:2-10
‘And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed…God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I… And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey;… Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.’ (Ex.3:2-10)

You may experience Moses encounter, while on your legitimate secular endeavors. The work was not really a religious engagement, yet it was while he was on it that God gave him his life vision. The lesson in it is that even your day to day engagements should be handled as if it was given to you by God. For a genuine child of God, your profession is like a mission field. Such an atmosphere is a fertile ground for God’s visitation in your life.

The Joseph encounter. (Gen.40:1-14)
Joseph got his own life assignment through the interpretation of dreams. His was a call to preservative leadership in a strange land. This kind of visitation may happen to individuals as they serve others faithfully. If you are serving under a master or in a ministry, serve faithfully, as it may be in the place of your service that God will give you your own assignment. There are many that are too impatient to wait and receive their mandate, like Ahimaaz in the Bible who got put aside as a result of the fact that he had no message for the king;

‘Then said Ahimaaz the son of Zadok, Let me now run, and bear the king tidings, how that the LORD hath avenged him of his enemies…yet again to Joab, But howsoever, let me, I pray thee, also run after Cushi. And Joab said, Wherefore wilt thou run, my son, seeing that thou hast no tidings ready?…And the king said, Is the young man Absalom safe? And Ahimaaz answered, When Joab sent the king’s servant, and me thy servant, I saw a great tumult, but I knew not what it was. And the king said unto him, Turn aside, and stand here. And he turned aside, and stood still’. (2Sam.18:19-30)

People who fail to wait for their own message in ministry may initially outrun others, but they eventually get stranded in ministry. Therefore, learn to interprete the dream of your master through faithful service. At the end of the day, your own vision might even be to keep on serving your master! You can’t query God for it. On the contrary you will discover that the fulfillment that many general overseers don’t have, you will have it while serving, if God’s mandate to you is to continue to serve in that ministry.

The Samuel Encounter.
In the case of Prophet Samuel, his assignment came in a way that he was not even aware that God was speaking to him. It took the experience of Eli, his master for him to know that he was experiencing divine visitation.

‘Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.’ (1Sam.3:9-10)

His master thus played a major role in his understanding of divine purpose. Your relationship with the person God has asked you to submit to may therefore often play a crucial role in your assignment in ministry. Maintaining the relationship between you and your source may therefore be crucial.

David encounter.
After David had been called as the king, his vision of removing the reproach of the philistines from Israel came to him on battle ground. He was totally incensed by the effrontery of the army of the Philistines as represented by Goliath, against the armies of Israel. He just felt that something must be done to make the Philistines to know that they could not defy the armies of Israel and go free..

‘And David spake to the men that stood by him, saying, What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and taketh away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?’ (1Sam.17:26)

It happens when you are dissatisfied with the status quo. God may use your dissatisfaction about what is happening around you to assign you to a corrective mission that will become a life assignment.
How do you feel about unrighteous acts around you? The passion in your heart as a result of lack of satisfaction concerning things going on around you may become a gateway through which the vision of God for your life may be birthed.

The Esther encounter.
The Esther encounter involves a timely message from a significant other to you at your place of comfort, about the needful, which becomes a divine assignment. Her uncle Mordecai told her in Esther 4:14;

‘For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place;…: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’

Such an assignment comes when you are comfortable, and appears like a call away from your comfort zone. If you feel that you don’t want to trade your comfort for the assignment, it will pass you by and render you irrelevant because it is your divine assignment that makes you relevant in life.
Esther responded by sending a message back to Mordecai thus;

‘Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.’ (Est.4:16)

Sometimes, the assignment is like you are risking your life or reputation to carry it out. The truth is that He that has called you however, goes with you into the assignment. Sometimes when you have the Esther encounter and refuse to respond, God may remove your comfort and render you helpless, only to return to that same assignment later, after stripping you of those comforts.

The Nehemiah encounter.
The Nehemiah encounter is had when it is your concern for the homeland that consumes you. Nehemiah was passionately concerned about Israel while he was comfortable as the cup bearer of the king in shushan

And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.
And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven, (Neh.1:3-4)

Such an assignment comes when you are deeply concerned about the state of the kingdom of God. Such concern is a fertile ground for God given vision. In the case of Nehemiah, he was given the vision to rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem and reorganize the leadership structure.

The Blessed Mary encounter.
Mary was apparently just an ordinary lady who God in His sovereign will, singled out from all other single ladies in Israel in her days. God visited and favored her for the assignment of the motherhood of Jesus Christ. One major fact to note is that Mary was a virgin. Virginity signifies purity, which in your case may be purity in your in your heart towards the things of God.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD?
or who shall stand in his holy place?
He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;
who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity,
nor sworn deceitfully. (Ps.24:3-4)

Your heart towards God in your relationship with Him is vital towards His dealings with you. Despite the fact that there must have been many other virgins in the land of Israel, the angel approached her and said;

‘…Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. (Lk.1:28)

The Simon Peter Encounter.
In the circumstances of the encounter of Peter, he was a fisherman who was highly experienced in the trade. However the encounter with Jesus brought him to the place of the assignment of his life, which is to become a fisher of men. The circumstances of his life at that point is the ability to forsake his fishing business and follow Jesus, just like Elisha left his farming business to follow Elisha. This kind of encounter occurs when a man is required to leave his secular job or business completely in response to the the assignment given to him by the master.

The Paul encounter.
Apostle Paul was on his way to Damascus to deal with Christians when he had his own encounter. One can’t help but wonder why it should be someone that had done so much against His church that would be selected for such an important task in the early church. One thing that one could see in the circumstances of his own assignment is that he was a highly committed man. God must have seen that the same level of commitment he used against the gospel would be useful for the New Testament church. It is therefore not surprising that there are several ministers of God today that God encountered in the prison after committing grievous sins. Paul said;

For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. (1Cor.9:6-7)

Lessons From Who or How God Assigns.
• It is not a matter of qualification.
• It is not a matter of status in life.
• It is not a matter of what you want but what He wants.
• It is not a matter of Age.
• It is not a matter of what you planned to do with your life.
• It is not a matter of whether or not it is convenient for you.
• It is not a matter of how far you have gone in the opposite direction.

The diverse circumstances of life which is apparent in the life of those he assigned in the scriptures show to us that who we were or what we planned to do with our life doesn’t matter when God assigns. God decides on who to assign, as well as what to assign to you. Whatever He has assigned to you, whether big or small is important to God.



Bro Gbile Akanni is an internationally acclaimed teacher of the word of God. When he analyses the scripture, you will be wondering if it was the same scripture that you have been reading. Many years ago, he came to our city for one of his in-depth teachings in the word of God. During one of his teachings and in response to a question, he wondered of what value the power for people to fall under anointing would be to him while teaching. According to him, somebody who has fallen can not listen to the message that he has from God for him. For other ministers, however, falling under anointing is so vital to them that when you refuse to fall, they will assist by pushing you! To them, people falling under anointing is the only demonstration of power in ministry, not knowing that sometimes, it may actually even be a distraction, according to Bro Gbile Akanni!

The dictionary definition of power is the ability to do work. In other words, it is something that enables you to carry out your assignment more easily. In that case, the instruments that allow a carpenter to construct a table empowers him as a carpenter. If your brother is a carpenter, and you buy automated equipments for him to carry out his trade instead of the manual ones he had been using, you would have empowered him. This is because the time he spends on the construction of tables would be significantly reduced.
If we accept that meaning, then as a minister when you are praying for power you should ask yourself the work you want to use the power to do. Power in ministry is the ability or capacity to carry out the divine assignment you have been given in ministry. Therefore, when you are asking for power, it should be linked with your assignment. Let me then ask you a question, what is the assignment that God gave you that you are asking for power to carry out. If your assignment is to teach, like that of Bro Gbile Akanni, the power you need is the divine enablement that will make your assignment of teaching to be more easily done in a way that people under your ministration will contact divine impact through your teaching. Such power will make you to divinely bring out issues which will cut the heart of men in such a way that they may be crying out of conviction for their sin, while those under the ministration of the empowered deliverance minister is falling under anointing!
God has so arranged it that though the empowered teacher is just exposing the word of God, deliverance is taking place through the word of God though you may not fall under anointing. So, as a teacher you will discover that for you to have impact, you may need to change your prayer points and stop being carried away by what others are praying for.

1 Corinthians 2:4.
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

Several men of God who are in the power ministries in reference to the scripture above will say that teaching can be done by anybody, preaching is cheap, but not everyone can minister with signs and wonders. You must not allow such statements to make you feel empty. Spirit and power in the statement of Apostle Paul here is not just talking about such power like falling under the anointing, but is also talking about the power of the door of ministry which is divinely given to the empowered teacher for the word of God to cut through the gates of unbelief in the hearts of the unbelieving, bringing conviction that mere words of man can’t bring.

A large percentage of us ask for power just to be able to impress our congregation and others that we have spiritual power. Often, ministers pray for it because their congregation believe that if people are falling under anointing while the guest minister is praying for them, it means the guest minister is more powerful than their own pastor. Gbile Akanni also wondered in response to a question, why in many cases in many churches, it is often the same people that are falling under anointing all the time. Is it because the deliverance was not total in the first instance or someone is deceiving someone. He also wondered why deliverance sessions must be carried out every week on the same congregation. A pastor beside me could not hold it any longer, he didn’t know when he exclaimed; ‘why is this man breaking our pot of soup?’ Sincerely, I think many have turned the issue of power to pot of soup. That is why many, even when the power is not divinely forthcoming will go and seek for it from the dark world and be pretending as if they are genuine ministers of God.

Empowerment in ministry will make you to experience the following in ministry;
* Recognition of your assignment – Recognizing your assignment in ministry is an empowerment, without which you may not fulfill your divine purpose in life. If the Holy Spirit did not sit me down to impress it upon me that I am to teach write and teach, I would not have likely experienced relevance.
* Development of your capacity to carry out your assignment – Your empowerment in ministry is specific to your assignment. As an empowered deliverance minister, your presence may make the demon in someone to scream, but as a teacher, your own empowerment brings out gems in the word of God may set the stage for self deliverance of the same person that screamed.
* Remaining focused – Your empowerment may help you to remain focused in ministry as you see yourself making impact through what you have been assigned to do.
* Carrying out specific assignments – As a missionary or an evangelist sent to an unbelieving environment, your empowerment may make you to successfully confront the principalities and powers that have been standing as obstacles to the advancement of the gospel in that land.
* Ability to touch lives through your ministry – Your empowerment may make you to impact lives through your ministry. You may just discover people giving testimonies of what has happened to them through you.
* Ability to meet the needs of those you are sent to.
* Ability to expand the kingdom of God through your assignment – Your empowerment will make your ministry to in one way or the other expand the kingdom of God.

Power is the ability to carry out the assignment that you have been given in ministry, and it is specific to your assignment. When you are praying for power therefore you must be conscious of the assignment you are given. It is only when you are empowered for the assignment you are given that you may have relevance in ministry.


Discovering Your Own Relevance In Ministry.

Episode One.
Sometime in 2011, I watched a man of God ministering on the television. He was telling of his exploits in ministry, how he had done tremendous things such as waking up the dead and so many other miracles that he had done. He was everything that I wasn’t, demonstrating through a lot of activities so much that I got so carried away and I wished to become like him.
Later on that night too, I remembered the spectacular story of the late Bishop Benson Idahosa. He was a phenomenon in the history of the Nigerian church. He went church on a Sunday and his pastor preached on I think Matthew 10:8;

‘Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons…’

The preaching of the day really caught his attention, so much that he went to his pastor after the service to expatiate on the scripture. When the pastor confirmed to him that the scripture is for everyone including Benson himself, he asked the pastor if he had woken up a dead person before, but the pastor responded that he had not. However, the pastor assured him that anyone could do so. He consequently went to town looking for dead bodies to raise up from the dead. He went everywhere asking if there was anyone who just died, so that he could raise the dead. Finally at 4. O’clock in the evening, he got one that just died. He prayed and the dead girl came back to life, and that was the beginning of a spectacular ministry that impacted the whole world with miraculous exploits that is difficult to rival.

Friends, with a combination of the story of the man of God on the television and the story of late Bishop Benson Idahosa, a desire was aroused in me so much that I decided not to sleep until God would give me the power to do some of those powerful things that they had done or were doing.
I started praying earnestly at some minutes before 12 midnight. I prayed until about one hour later when I suddenly heard a voice, GO AND SIT DOWN! I knew it was Holy Spirit calling my attention, so I went towards a chair. As I sat down, I heard the same voice again, TAKE YOUR WRITING MATERIALS! I obediently took my iPad, and then I heard that same voice for the third time, WRITE! Though it was never my intention to write anything that night, but to pray, I nevertheless started typing. It was as if I was being dictated to, as I typed what was later tilted Twelve Laws For a Successful Marriage. As I continued typing, the second page was The Able Minister.
That night, the Holy Spirit was undoubtedly telling me that my own main assignment in ministry would be teaching with literature playing major role while my area of focus would be in marriage and leadership. Instead of focusing on the grace of the man of God on the television, (though God might make any of them to happen through me) I should focus on the area of gifting that I have been endowed with. I never knew how powerful the experience of that night was, until I started developing those points that were written down. I have not finished writing since then, to the glory of God!
Twelve laws for a successful marriage was about those unfailing principles that if you observe them, you are most likely to experience success in your marriage;
Law 1- The law of departure.
Law 2- The law of cleaving.
Law 3- The law of mutual love.
Law 4- The law of mutual submission and sacrifice
Law 5- The law of almighty sex.
Law 6- The law of nakedness.
Law 7- The law of communication.
Law 8- The law of forgiveness.
Law 9- The law of deadly alternative.
Law 10- The law of imperfection.
Law 11- The law of challenge.
Law 12- The law of agreement.

On the other hand, The Able Minister was about what makes a man an able minister of God. The jottings were developed into two small books. The books gradually became the centre around which a prominent writing ministry has developed over the years.

As result of the encounter and subsequent focus on marriage and leadership, several things happened;
* I kept developing those content that I started with as each of the principles which I started with kept expanding into different books on their own. In addition to the original content being developed, the Holy Spirit also continued to use what others will see as inconsequential in marital relationships to have significance to me, thereby leading to an expansion of the content that I started with into an almost limitless content that keep expanding. The result is that several books have been written and more are being worked upon.
* I became more comfortable ministering in the area of marriage. Gradually, I became more keen and interested in matters relating to marriage to such an extent that I became ever ready and comfortable in discussing marital issues.
* Churches, ministries and others took notice of the grace I have in those areas and started inviting me to minister on marriage and leadership, further expanding my capacity in that area. If I am invited to minister on marriage and it appears as if I have not written much on the theme, it became an area for me to develop materials on.
* A radio ministry emerged through which a lot of hurting homes have been healed and a lot of separated spouses have been reconciled.
* I became comfortable ministering to pastors on the significance of their homes to ministry and how to make their spouses to run with the vision that God has given the ministers in different countries of the world that I have visited.
* My writing kept improving as a result of practice. Generally speaking, the more I wrote on marriage, the more my writing skills improved to a level that I could develop any tiny theme on marriage to become a notable matter.
* The tiny book for the minister gradually spilled over into other writings which later grew into Matters Arising In Ministry.
* My writing skills spilled over into other areas of experience. My writings on marriage and leadership spilled into other areas. For instance, I was able to put my experience of close to four decades in school administration together and write a highly successful book titled, Lessons In School Proprietorship.

As much as it is a good thing to desire the gift of others, your relevance in ministry will really be highly dependent on discovering your own assignment, focusing on it and developing your capacity in that area. It is when that centre is holding firmly that you can have genuine relevance in ministry. There are many ministers of God that have been on fruitless search for power since they were called into ministry, without actually understanding what power is actually meant for. Sometimes we become so overwhelmed by the achievement of others that we erroneously feel useless, failing to know that God has different assignment for individuals. The woman whose story was written in 2Kings 4:1-7, felt that her case was hopeless until prophet Elisha asked her the question in verse 4…
‘And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.’
By the time she was led to make use of that oil, the story of her life changed. You may be missing out a lot in life and ministry if you fail to recognize that little pot of oil in your hand, not discerning, that, it is really from that little one that your relevance in life and ministry will come.
Receive the grace to recognize your assignment in Jesus name.

(Look out for episode two tomorrow: THE REAL DEFINITION OF POWER AND IT’S USE IN MINISTRY)


The first building that we ever built was our first residence. It was to be a four bedroom bungalow. When the documents of the land was brought, the title read ‘Mr. & Mrs. Michael Adeleke Oluniyi,’ it became a big problem. My wife wanted to know why her name was not clearly written on it, and on my own part, I was wondering if she was suspecting me of any foul play. It became a real issue which we were able to resolve later by writing out the names individually. However, problems like this have been known to destroy the home of many proprietors who are not selfless enough to empathize with their spouse and compromise where necessary to maintain peace at home. The truth is that the stability of your home is so important that it is even more important than the school itself. When I look back at the above and realize that the building is now just the administrative block for our school, I pity those who allow matters arising from the school to break their home. Such proprietors are like a child who threw away a bag of money just for a few sweets or biscuits.
Some of the challenges emanating from the school that often threaten the proprietor’s home are:

Many proprietors find it difficult to manage success in the school along with their marriage. As a woman whom God has blessed her school, you may gradually become arrogant and unmanageable at home. You may for instance not see any reason why you should submit to your husband any longer. Even to cook and serve your husband may become a big task that you delegate to maids or your grown up children. If you are a man, when success comes, you may look at your wife that she is not good enough to actually be your wife. Your home becomes a battle ground because your school has grown. Should we now blame God for blessing you? Please note that whatever success you achieve at the expense of your home is not good success. When any matter from your school is competing with the peace of your home, it is better you resolve it in favour of your home because what you, your spouse and children will eventually lose if that home breaks will be more than the success you may achieve in the school.

Another challenge that affects the home of many proprietors is that of management of crises. There are so many issues in the school that place many proprietors under stress. If you bring the challenges in the school back home, you may create problems at home. For instance as a woman it may so much affect you that you may not be useful for your husband in the ‘other room’. As a man too, you may start reacting to your spouse in a way that will make your home to become a hell on earth for your family.

The challenge of alternative attraction is the problem that comes when you are enjoying part of what you are supposed to be enjoying with your spouse from another member of the opposite sex. What you are enjoying in your alternative attraction may be food, quality time, money or intimacy. As a male proprietor, probably about 70% of your staff are female, some of whom may be craving your attention for various reasons ranging from loneliness, to the desire for favour. You may also discover that one of them is so efficient at her work that you start getting interested in her, making you to think that she would have been better as your wife. Some proprietors on the other hand are just the playboy type. They like sleeping around with their staff, not knowing that doing that may be putting a limit on the school.
As a female proprietor too, there may be a man somewhere that assisted you by providing money or other forms of assistance when you needed it most. Especially when the help is consistent, emotional affairs may develop between you and such a man which may ultimately lead to full blown adultery.
One basic fact which you must know is that once there is an alternative attraction, your spouse becomes less attractive to you. You will start seeing faults that you were not previously seeing in your spouse, and problems will gradually creep in which if care is not taken may effectively destroy your home.

Sometimes, the area of challenge is ownership of the vision. As the school is growing, you are drumming it into the ears of your spouse that the vision belongs to you. You might have forgotten that you and your spouse are actually one. In such a situation, your spouse withdraws the support which he or she has been giving to you since you are the owner of the vision. From my experience in the school management, you need the input of your spouse in the success of your school. God in His wisdom has gifted us differently. Consequently, you will need your spouse in the area of your own weakness.

In many homes, it is the problem of transparency. You are hiding what you have from your spouse. There are many women that will buy land and build without the knowledge of their husband. By the time he discovers, it becomes a big problem which makes the husband to find it difficult to trust her again. In such a situation, he makes the home to become uncomfortable for his wife and the problem multiplies from that point. Even if you are the breadwinner of the home, never forget that God might have been blessing you to perform those roles because your husband is unemployed. In case your husband is the type that is not accountable with money, you may need to pray for wisdom to handle the situation. You don’t really need to allow your marriage to collapse because of any of such problems.

Every human being, including you, has an imperfection or weakness. If you can’t accept the imperfection of your spouse, you will find it difficult to manage a home. As a male proprietor, you should not start resenting your spouse because she can’t teach in your school. Don’t start telling her that she is good for nothing. If she is uneducated, don’t forget that it did not just start now, she was like that when you proposed to her in those days. The fact that you have advanced in your education might have been as a result of her sacrifice to keep the home going while you improved yourself academically. Ditto for the female proprietor, don’t start comparing your husband with another man somewhere. You are just privileged to be the proprietor of a school.

Often, the proprietor makes his or her home unbearable for other members of the family by visiting the frustrations from school on everyone. Learn to leave those frustrations in the school and put up a smiling face at home because you are not the only one experiencing those frustrations!

The above seven challenges are some of the most prominent ones that may affect the relationship between the proprietor and his or her spouse. The major mindset that will help you to ensure that you don’t sacrifice your marital relationship for the school is for you to place the right value on the two. Your home comes first before the school. Let me close by counseling you to be wise to keep your home while your school succeeds. May you have the grace to achieve it in Jesus name.

(Culled from LESSONS IN SCHOOL PROPRIETORSHIP by Dr. Mike Oluniyi)


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