Doing Ministry In His Steps – EDITORIAL

It is with great joy that I present to you this edition of The ABIDING MINISTER, a bi annual publication aimed at keeping you informed about the the Abiding Grace Foundation. This edition is designed to serve as resource material for the 18th Annual Abiding Ministers’ Conference, as the the materials for the conference are included.

A new feature of the journal is that it now has columns for the ministers’ home and as well as health apart from updates on the activities of the Ministry. Every article from Rev’d Dr. Francis Bola Akin John and my own are focused on the theme of the 18th annual Abiding Ministers’ Conference; WALKING IN HIS STEPS.

For the first time, the journal will be online on the website of the ministry’s well our other social media channels. Henceforth, you may reach us on our website and other social media channels as follows:
Facebook- Abiding Grace Ministries
Instagram- abidinggracefoundation & mattersarisinginmarriage

We hope you will find the edition helpful as you strive to walk in the steps of our Master Jesus in your journey of faith.

Welcome to the world of Abiding Grace!

Mike Oluniyi
April 2021.

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