The Battle Of Principalities And Powers In Marriage : Couples Companion Day 39

Main Text: Isa.54:15-17
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (Is.54:17)

A lot of battles that we fight in marriage are really spiritual battles which we ignorantly fight physically. However, anyone who fights a spiritual battle physically is bound to lose.
You may not believe that there are spiritual forces or supernatural arrows that may be sent to scatter your marriage but it does not negate the fact that they exist. Following are some of the sources of the arrows:
– Those you might have offended.
– Those that just envy the way you and your spouse lovingly relate with each other.
– Those who desire to have you or your spouse.
– The arrows may come from home – your own relatives or those of your spouse having the feeling that the unity in your home is so strong that you or your spouse is not paying adequate attention to them.
– It may be from your competitors who feel that your life will be disorganized once your home is destroyed.
– It may be due to an unbroken curse.
– Finally, spiritual attack may be attracted to you through your past or present ways of life or even that of your parents. A man who has been married for twelve years without any child went for prayers and it was revealed to him that he was cursed by his former girlfriend whom he impregnated but rejected the pregnancy. During the pains of delivery, the lady cursed him that if really he was the one that impregnated her, he would not experience the joy of fatherhood until he returned to claim the child.

So, the battle of principalities and powers can only be fought spiritually. Therefore, if you notice an abnormal trend in your family,
1. Pray for discernment
2. Pray on steps to be taken
3. If there is need for restitution, take step
4. Pray for deliverance
5. If it is an inherited curse, declare yourself and entire family free by using relevant scriptures

In fact, you should not even wait until you experience the battle before you start soaking your spouse and entire home in the blood of Jesus and declaring your home a forbidden territory for the devil.
Discussion Points With Your Spouse
* Carefully look at your home. Is there anything happening or a trend you need to pray about in the light of the above?

Father, make me spiritually sensitive so that I won’t be fighting spiritual battles physically in my marriage in Jesus’ name.


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