The Battle Of Sexual Realities In Marriage :Couples Companion Day 43

Main Text:2 Cor .12:7-10
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2Cor.12:9)

The battle of sexual realities in marriage has to do with facing realities about variance in the sexual needs between you and your spouse. This becomes a very serious challenge in many homes when either of the two fails to realize this and adjust accordingly.
If you plan to win this battle, you must study the sexual needs of your spouse, compare it with your own and do everything possible to close the gap in a compromise that will reduce conflict in the home. A wise couple should really face the following realities:
1. There is hardly any couple whose sexual desire is at par with each other. It is consequently not strange that there is variance in your own and that of your spouse. Often, that of the man is higher, but then in many other homes, it is the woman that complains of being denied of sex.
2. What turns a man on is often different from what turns a woman on. A man may be turned on by simply sighting his wife probably dressing up or something; a woman, however, is more complex since her feelings are involved.
3. In most cases, women are more resilient about sex than men; the reaction of a man that is denied of sex may be more violent than that of a woman.
4. As you age in marriage, there may be declining attractions and consequently the need to adjust to changing sexual desires. You may discover that you are not easily turned on the way it used to be. The real problem with this situation is that whereas it is so when you are with your spouse, it may not be so with another member of the opposite sex; that is one of the major reasons why many men stray as they get older.
5. As you age also, you should not have the feeling that your spouse does not need sex again. It may be a costly assumption.
6. If you get yourself involved in a relationship outside your home, your spouse may become less attractive to you sexually.
17. Without sexual harmony in your home, very simple problems may become so big and cause so much damage that you may be wondering later what happened.

Every man or woman who does not want to make a shipwreck of his or her marriage must make up his or her mind to win this battle, because failure to win it will make you or your spouse stray into the hands of a strange man or woman.

Discussion Points With Your Spouse
* Frankly share your experiences with each other and be frank with yourself in area of differences with a view to overcoming any challenges you may be experiencing.

Father, may I be humble enough to recognize the sexual realities in my home and key in to have a blissful marriage to the end in Jesus’ name.


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