The books : Couples Companion and Matters Arising in Marriage -by: Rev’d Mike Oluniyi PhD. Now Available for Sale

The Book: COUPLES COMPANION by Rev’d Mike Oluniyi PhD. Is now available FOR SALE. The book cost $5. Nigerians can get the book for #1,500. Read below for exact mode of Payment and how to get the book
The Book: MATTERS ARISING IN MARRIAGE by Rev’d Mike Oluniyi PhD. Is now available FOR SALE. The book cost $5. Nigerians can get the book for #1,500. Read below for exact mode of Payment and how to get the book.

Make your payment to the following Bank details.

Account name – Abiding Grace Foundation.
Account number – 0050451945 (Current Account)
Bank – Guarantee Trust Bank.

Send prove of Payment and book of choice to

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