That I May Know Him: Lesson 2 – Paul Was On Fire For God


Memory verse

For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! (1 Corinthians 9:16 KJV)


One of the greatest factors that made Paul to have such an impact in ministry was his enthusiasm. Paul could never be ignored; anywhere he spoke, people were either for or against him. In Eccl.9:10, we are told to do whatever we do with our might. Also in Rev.3:15,16, &19, lukewarmness is condemned vigorously by God. In fact we are told that those who are neither cold nor hot would be vomited by God!


The ministry of Paul was without equal in enthusiasm as demonstrated by his words and actions in ministry.

i. Read Rom.12: 11. What is the counsel of Paul in this scripture?

ii. The love of Christ compels me’ (2Cor.5:14-15). One major thing that enthusiasm does is that even when others have been discouraged, you are compelled to move on.

iii. All the persecutions could not dampen the morale of Paul (2Cor.11:24-27)

Try to compare the inconveniences you might have gone through for the sake of the gospel with that of Apostle Paul. What are your comments?

iv. Because of his enthusiasm, he was able to always hold his audience spellbound with his compelling words. Even kings could not resist the words of Paul (Acts.26:28&29)

v. Read 2Tim.4:6-8. When you consider the fact that Paul wrote this scripture at a time that death was certain, what are your comments?


Knowing fully well that your impact in the Christian race depends heavily on your enthusiasm for the cause of the gospel. Your enthusiasm however depends on the depth of your conversion. There are many christians whose conversion experience is not really deep. The depth of your conversion will;

i. Make old things to pass away in your life. In 2Cor.5:17, we are made to understand that if you are in Christ, old things will pass away and all things will become new. Your experience of old things that has passed away and the newness of present way of life and experiences contribute in no small measure to you catching fire for God. Paul was a terrible persecutor of the saints before his conversion but after, he became the greatest propagator of the gospel. Can you remember an old thing that has passed away in your life?

ii. Make you to discover new gems in the word of God. Your discovery of the efficacy of the word of God may make you to catch fire for God (2Tim.3:16&17; 2Tim.4:2-4)

iii. Makes you to be less fearful of persecutions and threats.

iv. Heighten your expectation of being with Jesus in heaven (Jn.14:1-3)

v. May make you to acquire the boldness that others don’t have in the things of God.

Discuss other signs of catching fire for God which the depth of your conviction may make you to have.

vi. Saying No! to ungodliness

vii. Strong relationship with God.

viii. Feel God’s presence more




Spiritual fire extinguishers are those factors that contribute to making one’s enthusiasm for God to go down. In your own reasoning, what are those factors that may act as fire extinguishers in the life of a Christian?

i. For adults.

ii. For youths.

iii. For those in leadership positions.


One of the greatest factors that contributed to Apostle Paul’s success in ministry was his enthusiasm for the gospel. He was simply put on fire for God. It was evident in his life that his conviction was deep and total. How deep is your own conviction? How has it fired you up for exploits in the kingdom?

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